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所属科目: 动物界 » 节肢动物门 » 蛛形纲;Arachnida » 柄腹亚纲 » 蜘蛛目 » 袋蛛科 »

学名:Clubiona gongshan
Male (holotype). Total length 4.20; carapace 2.03 long, 1.48 wide; abdomen 2.14 long, 1.27 wide. Carapace yellow; both anterior and posterior eye rows recurved in dorsal view; eye sizes and interdistances: AME 0.07, ALE 0.12, PME 0.10, PLE 0.12, AME–AME 0.06, AME–ALE 0.03, PME–PME 0.18, PME–PLE 0.15, ALE–PLE 0.57; MOA 0.30 long, 0.22 anterior wide, 0.37 posterior wide; clypeus height 0.04; chelicerae colored as carapace, with five promarginal and four retromarginal teeth; endites and labium yellow; sternum 1.12 long, 0.66 wide. Legs yellow, tibiae I and II with two pairs of ventral spines, metatarsi I and II with one pair of ventral spines; leg measurements: I 4.60 (1.35, 0.61, 1.29, 0.90, 0.45), II 5.13 (1.43, 0.66, 1.47, 1.02, 0.55), III 4.31 (1.25, 0.53, 0.98, 1.10, 0.45), IV 5.75 (1.65,0.65, 1.42, 1.52, 0.51); leg formula: 4213. Abdomen oval, yellow, with conspicuous anterior tufts of hairs, dorsum with fine yellow hairs. Palp. Retrolateral tibial apophysis short, blunt, ventral tibial apophysis digitiform; bulb with conspicuous pro and retro-apical excavations; embolus large, complex, with bifid basal apophysis; tegular apophysis cranehead-shaped in ventral view; sperm duct almost sigmoid-shaped. Female (paratype). Total length 4.35; carapace 1.87 long, 1.47 wide; abdomen 2.45 long, 1.62 wide. Eye sizes and interdistances: AME 0.08, ALE 0.10, PME 0.09, PLE 0.11,AME–AME 0.08, AME–ALE 0.04, PME–PME 0.19, PME–PLE 0.14, ALE–PLE 0.58; MOA 0.31 long, 0.24 anterior wide, 0.38 posterior wide; sternum 1.04 long, 0.71 wide. Leg measurements: I 4.62 (1.33, 0.62, 1.32, 0.95, 0.40), II 5.30 (1.50, 0.69, 1.49, 1.04, 0.57), III 4.23 (1.23, 0.55, 0.97, 1.14, 0.43), IV 5.84 (1.63, 0.68, 1.45, 1.55, 0.53); leg formula: 4213. Epigyne. Epigynal atrium with a large central depression as wide as both bursae span; copulatory openings distinctly separated from each other; spermathecae, sub-oval; bursae globular; copulatory ducts short.